Can I be seen via virtual visit if I do not live in Texas?
No. State law prevents providers from treating patients across state lines. All patients must reside in the State of Texas to receive care.
Can I start PrEP at the same time as my New Gender Care appointment?
No, we will set you up for a new patient PrEP appointment first. Your New Gender Care appointment will be scheduled out to next available.
If I am already on HRT, can I get a sooner appointment?
Unfortunately, the wait time is the same for all new patients. We are unable to provide HRT prescriptions until you have been seen for your initial New Gender Care appointment.
What can I expect at my first visit?
The first part of your visit will be spent with a patient advocate. You will then see a clinician and complete required lab work before leaving the clinic. You will most likely receive a prescription for HRT that same day, unless the provider has a medical concern that would prevent you from starting HRT. STI […]
How much will my HRT cost?
Our patient advocates can work with you to get HRT costs as low as possible.
Does Kind Clinic practice an informed consent model for gender-affirming care?
Yes, we do practice an informed consent model. So, no mental health letter is required.
Will PrEP interact with other medication I am on?
In most cases PrEP has not shown to interact with other medications. Talk to your doctor about any other specific medications you are taking.
If I’m not having sex right now, do I still need to take PrEP?
If you feel your risk for HIV has changed recently and it doesn’t make sense for you to take PrEP anymore, then talk to your doctor or our staff about discontinuing PrEP. If you’re just experiencing a temporary “lull” in your sex life lasting less than a month or two and expect to be sexually […]
Once you start using PrEP, do you have to use PrEP forever?
No. We recognize that people go in and out of “seasons of risk,” where there are certain times it makes sense to take PrEP, and then other times where it doesn’t make sense to take PrEP. For example, if you start taking PrEP because you are sexually active with multiple partners who are HIV-positive and […]
How long does it take PrEP to become effective after you start taking it? How long does it take to become protective?
PrEP typically takes 7 to provide full protection for anal sex and 20 days for vagina/front hole sex. It’s important to use condoms during those times to prevent HIV transmission.