Access to PrEP is Access to Freedom…

For several decades, a lack of comprehensive sexual education has harmed the health and safety of people across all sexual identities. At the dawn of discovering our sexualities, we are taught to suppress and stigmatize them, rather than becoming educated about our bodies, healthy relationships, and how to maintain positive health outcomes. From the void […]
A Senseless Act of Hate and Violence Towards Our Community

The mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs was a senseless act of hate and violence toward our LGBTQIA+ community converging with the epidemic of gun violence in our country. Beautiful lives were tragically cut short, and our hearts are with the friends and families of those gone too soon. To our patients, employees, […]
Texas Health Action to ‘Rock the Ribbon’ to offer free HIV testing on World Aids Day

Kind Clinic to offer free walk-in testing in Austin, Dallas and San Antonio AUSTIN, Texas—Texas Health Action—a community-informed nonprofit that provides access to quality health services in a safe and supportive environment—will provide free HIV testing beginning on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2022, at Kind Clinic locations in Austin, Dallas and San Antonio. Texas […]
Monkeypox – Facts not Fear

Texas Health Action is working with local health officials to closely monitor the Monkeypox outbreak. Monkeypox is spreading mostly from skin-to-skin contact during sex, mostly among men who have sex with men. You may develop flu-like symptoms, such as fevers and chills, body aches or fatigue, before or after the development of a rash. The […]
THA statement on Roe v. Wade

We are devastated to learn of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. This reprehensible decision is a continued attack on lifesaving healthcare access and a big step backward for our country. It is one of our core beliefs that everyone has the right to their own bodily autonomy and deserves to have […]
Texas Health Action stands by the right of trans people to receive medically necessary, lifesaving care.

STATEMENT: Texas Health Action stands by the right of trans people to receive medically necessary, lifesaving care. The ongoing politically motivated attacks against trans youth in Texas are reprehensible. If you are trans, or a parent, family member, or loved one of someone who is trans, there is a community of people who love you […]
Kind Clinic to offer dedicated space for walk-in HIV/STI testing

Free testing without an appointment at Koenig Lane Kind Clinic recently expanded their 101 W. Koenig Ln. location with a dedicated space for walk-in HIV/STI testing. The new space solely offers walk-in HIV/STI testing with its own entrance next door to the main entrance for Kind Clinic Austin — Koenig. Walk-in testing patients who are […]
Reproductive Health Services in Central Texas

The ongoing attacks on healthcare access in our state is reprehensible, including the cowardly dismantling of Roe v. Wade and attempts to criminalize gender-affirming care. These attacks go against our core belief of respecting people’s right to their own bodily autonomy. The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments challenging S.B. 8, which bans almost all […]
Kind Clinic Teams Up with Walgreens to open Dallas Clinic

Kind Clinic – Oak Lawn to offer sexual health services beginning in early 2022 Kind Clinic will team up with Walgreens to open its first Dallas clinic within the Walgreens at 3802 Cedar Springs Road beginning in early 2022. Kind Clinic, a program of Texas Health Action, will offer sexual health services such as HIV […]
Austin Pride: Celebrating During COVID-19

On Saturday, August 14th Austin will observe Pride weekend, which gives our LGBTQIA+ community the chance to celebrate our progress and to be loud about the journey ahead for full equality. Kind Clinic, a program of Texas Health Action, is a proud sponsor of Austin Pride. However, we are closely monitoring the recent surge in […]